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Return codes list

Here are the return codes that you may receive after sending an SMS query. If the definitions are not clear enough, please contact our customer service department on the phone number above.

103“recipients” field does not contain any valid recipient.
104You don’t have enough credit.
106“sender” field is not valid.
107“text” field must not be empty.
109The “with_replies” field value is not valid.
113Your account is not validated yet. You can not use Octopush service until you have completed your onboarding steps.
115“contacts” field does not contains any valid contacts.
121STOP mention (“STOP au 30101”) is missing from your text. UK-GDPR and PECR obligation.
126“password” filed value is not valid.
127“company_name” field value is not valid.
128“first_name” field value is not valid, it should contain from 3 to 30 characters.
129“last_name” field value is not valid, it should contain from 3 to 30 characters.
134“recipients” field contains to many recipients.
135Reply not available for this contacts.
136This product is not available.
137“list_name” field value is not valid.
138“ticket_number” field value is not valid.
139“purpose” field value is not valid.
140You can’t schedule campaign for a date bigger than in 365 days.
141List name already used.
142The Free Credit Pack only allows you to send some tests. SMS can only be sent to your phone number.
155Platform is not open.
156Inbound SMS callbacks email is not valid.
157Callbacks “api_version” field value is not valid.
158Email address is not valid.
163“amount” field is not valid.
164“token” field is not valid.
165“from_wallet_pack_id” field is not valid.
166“amount” field value is too small. It must be greater or equal than 30.
167“alert_type” field is not valid.
168“alert_bound” field is not valid.
169“alert_phone_number_to” field is not valid.
170“alert_email_to” field is not valid.
171“phone_number_for_test_sms” field is not valid.
172“sender_for_sms_premium” field is not valid.
173“sender_for_vocal_sms” field is not valid.
174The “country_code” you transmitted was not found.
181“phone_number” field is not valid.
182Loop detected. “request_id” already used!
183Number of contacts should be between 1 and 200.
184Number of contacts should be between 1 and 200.
185You don’t have registered any payment method. Please connect on octopush.
186We couldn’t activate auto-rebuy. Your parameters may be wrong.
187OTP request failed.
188This channel is not available.
189The message is too long.
190Code length should be greater than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.
191Code length should be less than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.
192Session time should be greater than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.
193Session time should be less than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.
194At least phone number or request token is mandatory.
195The code field is mandatory.
196Maximum amount of wrong attempts has been reached.
197OTP Request expired.
198OTP Request not found.
199Wrong otp code.
200This voice language is unavailable.
201This voice gender is unavailable.
202You can not cancel a campaign if it is supposed to be sent in less than 10 minutes.
203Voice campaign draft was not found.
204Sms campaign draft was not found.
205[tag_name] field value is not a valid contact tag.
206At least a list or a tag has to be specified.
207Segmentation is unavailable.
208You can\’t transmit more than {{ limit }} contacts per request.
209If you need more than {{ compared_value }}, you need to use “Bank direct debit” as payment method.
401Authentication failure.
403Access denied.
404Not found.
437Contact lists limit reached, max allowed 23.
438Request status check is allowed in 5 seconds.
439Sms campaign is still being processed.
440Sms campaign validation is in progress.
443“product_name” is required.
444“country_code” is required.
445“contacts” field must not contain more than 100 contacts.
446You already have a campaign on a list that is waiting for being sent or canceled.
449“list_name” field value is not a valid contact list.
450“ticket_number” field value is not a valid campaign ticket number.
455The maximum number of sub accounts has been reached.
456“password” field complexity is too weak.
457Sub account can’t be found.
458“amount” field value must not be bigger than your wallet pack residual credit.
459A new credit transfer is not allowed before 1 minute.
460A new credit transfer is not allowed before 24 hours.
462“email_to” field contains the email of a closed subaccount.
464“token” has expired.
465“token” was already used.
468You have reached the pre-registered users creation limit.
470This service has not been added to your Octopush account. Please go on “additional services” page and check that this service is correctly switched on (and validated if necessary).
471[country_codes] field should be an array.
472Contact lists limit reached, max allowed {{ max_allowed_number }}..
500The request was not processed. Please contact Octopush support.
1301Inbound SMS callback URL is not a valid URL.
1302Inbound SMS callback URL is not usable.
1303Inbound SMS callback URL HTTP status is not ok.
1304Inbound SMS callback URL body not empty.
1305Inbound SMS callback URL maximum execution time reached.
1311SMS deliveries callback URL is not a valid URL.
1312SMS deliveries callback URL is not usable.
1313SMS deliveries callback URL HTTP status is not ok.
1314SMS deliveries callback URL body not empty.
1315SMS deliveries callback URL maximum execution time reached.
1331Blacklisted numbers callback URL is not a valid URL.
1332Blacklisted numbers callback URL is not usable.
1333Blacklisted numbers callback URL HTTP status is not ok.
1334Blacklisted numbers callback URL body not empty.
1335Blacklisted numbers callback URL maximum execution time reached.
1336Visits callback URL is not a valid URL.
1337Visits callback URL is not usable.
1338Visits callback URL HTTP status is not ok.
1339Visits callback URL maximum execution time reached.
1340Sender contains forbidden keyword.
1341Text contains forbidden keyword.
1342Deliveries callback URL is not a valid URL.